Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Duvel Green

A creamy, bubbly, bright white, one-finger head of foam topped the nearly clear, golden colored liquid. The head retreated rather quickly, leaving behind only minimal amounts of lacing, might be because of the glass)

The aroma was a bit more subtle than I anticipated. Powdery and off-dry with a fruity, Belgian yeast quality. Citrus notes were noticeable. Some hay as well. Slightly hoppy, in a grassy sort of way. A touch of candi sugar appeared as the beer warmed.

Although the nose was a bit restrained, the flavor profile was nearly as good as the original Duvel. Crisp and bright with a smooth, grassy hop character. Dry and spicy (peppery) up front. Notes of orange peel and clove appeared in the center. The finish was snappy and clean with lingering hop notes.

The mouthfeel was rather unexciting. Medium bodied with a carbonation that bordered on low for the style. Slightly creamy and slick.

Like the original Duvel, this rendition is crisp and refreshing. Flavorful yet so drinkable.

Despite the different categorization on style, I would be hard pressed not to compare Duvel Draft to the bottled version. While the original has a more impressive appearance and a snappier mouthfeel, the draft version definitely holds it own. A nice, "lighter" spin on the original.

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